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Robert Warren

Coffee Roaster Blog

Good To the Last Drip: Part 1

Coffee purists will argue that the drip maker doesn't offer enough control of the finished product. However, the convenience of use and cleanup make auto-drip a very popular brewing method. The focus with this article is always to discuss the basic principles had a need to prepare a good sit down elsewhere to help you relate this to making great auto-drip coffee.

Brewing coffee hinges on some basic premises which will be taken seriously while discovering steps to make great coffee. They are standards which were arrived at and agreed upon through a long time of research, learning from your errors, and many failed cups of coffee. The info that I am divulging did not result from my private lab but has been passed on from countless others who have paved just how for most people.

I'm able to say that I have validated the outcomes. To have quality brewed coffee, needless to say, you should be using quality roasted coffee which will be fresh and properly ground. Even the best coffee machine in the marketplace won't make your stale Folgers taste like anything but stale Folgers.

The basic principles that have to be maintained to quickly attain properly brewed coffee are:

  • Clean Water
  • Proper Water Temperature
  • Proper Extraction Time
  • Proper Grind and Dosage
  • Clean Water

Using clean water is likely to make an enormous difference in the overall taste of one's brewed coffee. It will assist you to achieve consistent coffee. Having 'off' flavors from plain tap water such as for example chlorine, iron or any other minerals in your water will taint your perception for the brewed product. Since purified water does not have any taste or odor to begin with, it may pass no taste or odor on to your coffee. This is actually the easiest way to help you to taste your coffee in most of their intended glory. As well as making higher quality coffee, purified water has benefits for your equipment as well. Lime deposits which normally form through the continual use of unfiltered coffee won't have a chance to form in your equipment.

To obtain clean water you may either buy distilled water in the store or use a water filtering device. Some of the newer automatic drip coffee makers have filters built-in with replacement filters readily available.

Water Temperature

Water temperature is a must to your proper extraction of this flavor molecules through the ground coffee. The recommended brewing temperature associated with the coffee is 95-98 ºC. The sad truth is that many associated with the coffee makers in the marketplace don't come close to achieving the appropriate temperature right out of the box. Furthermore, if you do not keep your equipment clean and this has formed calcium deposits inside, this may prevent the water from heating appropriately.

Proper Extraction Time

Extraction time is virtually trivial if the brewing temperature is correct. In the event that brewing temperature is hot enough, then the simple force of gravity will force water to drip out at only in regards to the right rate. However, as a result of variations in basket design, some makers produce over-extracted coffee. What this means is that the warm water has received way too much exposure time and energy to the coffee and it is beginning to extract unpleasant flavors to the brewed beverage. Coffee must certanly be brewed hotly and fairly quickly. For example, a 10-cup pot of coffee should take between 3 and 4 minutes to brew.

Given that we have discussed the significant factors in preparing good drip coffee, we will concentrate on which coffee makers perform best for each situation and then develop a composite of what might be the most effective coffee machine for you.

Grind and Dosage

I only mention this in this specific article since it is an important facet in the outcome of your finished product. It does not necessarily have almost anything to do together with your coffee maker. People always ask how strong they need to brew the coffee together with answer is simple: whatever tastes straight to you. A great starting place is 1 Tbsp. per 6 oz water. The grind of your coffee shouldn't be as fine as espresso or as coarse as French Press. If in doubt, pose a question to your local roaster to grind it for you personally.


When I discussed earlier, these practices will not turn Folgers into Starbucks. However, even inferior coffee has a better chance of achieving greatness if these procedures are followed. To some extent II with this series, I will discuss simple tips to apply this knowledge to look for an automatic 4-cup drip coffee maker that may best help you.

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